A videowall, consisting of several LCD screens, is clearly determined by one thing: black bars where the screens are placed next to one another. It divides the overall image into single, small segments. Here, LED walls have a clear advantage. They consist of single modules and cabinets that create an overall image; however, these stay invisible to the viewer, as the individual LED cabinets do not have these black bars along their edges.

If one of the LCD screens of a videowall is broken, the overall image is damaged as well. A whole segment stays black or shows some kind of fault. In this case, the broken screen needs to be exchanged. Should one of the diodes of an LED wall break, thus one of the many small lights on a wall, one might not even notice it in most cases and one can proceed as planned. In case the malfunction is noticeable, or several diodes are broken, the exchange of the cabinet is easily doable.

A big advantage of the LED cabinets is in their flexibility. Besides walls in different shapes, like especially long or scale-like installations, especially big installations are possible as well. Their implementation is in comparison to big videowalls especially easy to do.