For standing constructions of LED walls alone we have seven different possibilities up our sleeves. They can be selected depending on the indoor and outdoor suitability and size of the planned LED wall. To give an overview, we are presenting you some solutions here that have not explicitly been mentioned on our blog. Today we want to talk about the Tri-Frame baseplate in our little series.

The Tri-Frame base plate

The Tri-Frame base plate is part of the overall system of the PRO-series. It is predestined for slim indoor constructions, like they are used for free standers or points of sale, among other things. The plate is 496 mm wide and has a depth of 800 mm. It has a frame for a flying bar, as well as holders for a Tri-Frame. Thanks to the easy click system of the Tri-Frames, the assembly is incredibly easy and quick, so that you can save a good amount of time.

To make the base plate as compact and easily transportable, but still ensure the necessary stability, steel pipes can be inserted into the back of the base plate. The weights are placed at the end of these, providing the necessary stability thanks to the extended lever and the modified tilting axis. A firm and secure stand of your LED wall is ensured in any case.

Tri-Frame base plate including Tri-Frame, source: LEDTEK

Please note: The photos do not yet include the pipes to be used for tilt protection.

Although the plate was specifically developed for the PRO-series, it is a multifunctional talent. This is because we have also fitted them with surrounds for a standard 30 cm four-point truss, such as the FD/HD34. Like this, the base plate can be used not only as a basement for LED constructions with cabinets that are not part of the PRO-series, but also for all kinds of other constructions. It is particularly suitable for structures that are only of short duration or have to be repeatedly assembled and dismantled in short intervals. There are barely any limits to the dimensions, as you can see in the following:

Typical variants: the 0.5 m stele

The base plate with its width of 496 mm is designed precisely to hold one LED cabinet. This makes it very easy to realise narrow constructions.

0.5 m LED stele with the base plate, source: LEDTEK

Please note: The photos do not yet include the pipes to be used for tilt protection.

Typical variants: the 1.5 m construction

With the Tri-Frame base plates, even wider constructions are easily realisable. With a single base plate, a span width of 1.5m can be reached. All you need to do is reinforce all the cabinets in the centre row with the tri-frames on the back as usual. The 1.5m flying bar that is to be used is placed on the plate in the centre and both corners are equipped with the according extenders, so that the structure is stable. With this kind of construction, hence one with cabinets that are sticking out on the sides, the LED wall can be constructed up to 5m in height.

1.5 m construction with the base plate, source: LEDTEK

Please note: The photos do not yet include the pipes to be used for tilt protection.

Without a flying bar and with option for ground clearance

Our flying bars are available in different sizes, with a length of 0.5 to 3.5m. You can also order customised products from us on request. If an LED wall is constructed on base plates, statically speaking, you can go without the flying bar. However, they can provide an attractive finish and, in the case of a wider wall that requires several floor panels, can help to align the floor panels correctly to each other. An LED wall that was assembled with a Tri-Frame base plate does not have to start on the floor. Instead, the upper module rows can be left out, so that the lower edge of the LED wall is placed above the floor level.

A wider LED wall can be put into practice easily by using additional base plates. Regarding its span width, the LED construction is scalable independently. If you strive for height, the possibilities depend on how many base plates and Tri-Frames are used with your LED wall:

Aiming high – but how high exactly?

The maximum height of an LED construction with the Tri-Frame base plate depends on the type of its construction. A structure, where every other cabinet is supported with a Tri-Frame and base plate, a height of 5m can be realised. If each row of cabinets has its own base plate, meaning two base plates and twos Tri-Frames are placed next to each other, even 7m in height are possible. A stiffening of only every third cabinet with Tri-Frame and base plate can be realised, but this also decreases the maximum height to 4m.

The static calculations give a clearer picture of your options with a base plate:

You can take a more detailed look at the Tri-Frame base plate in this data sheet:

The calculator for the Tri-Frame base plate

With all of this information, one question is particularly interesting: what are the actual costs? The calculator offers you information. Simply use the sliders to set what exactly you have in mind, and you will receive an offer from us in no time at all. You can also use the calculator to make a comparison with the Tri-Frame stud frame.


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